“Love Your Home for Life”
off interior painting when it rains
Residential & Commercial Painting Specialists
Foothill Painting is a premier licensed painting company serving, Burbank, Glendale, La Canada, La Crescenta, Toluca Lake, Pasadena, Studio City, the San Fernando Valley and their surrounding communities.
In addition to our many years in residential painting, Foothill Painting has extensive expertise in commercial painting and coating.
We offer all types of coatings for apartment buildings, churches, commercial, and industrial buildings.
Foothill also specializes in waterproof and energy efficient roof coatings.
We are a family-owned business with over 75 years of collective experience in house painting, residential interior and commercial interior and exterior painting. We have over 4250 satisfied customers, and over the years we have painted more than 7500 houses. We offer a reputable follow up program, and we would be pleased to become part of your maintenance team for your house, apartment complex or commercial property. We invite you to check us out on Angie’s List where we have an A+ rating.
When we paint your house, apartment complex or commercial property, we guarantee that we will meet or exceed painting industry standards. We use Dunn Edwards and Sherwin Williams paints, undercoats, additives and sundries in a complete array of paint colors carrying full manufacturer’s warranties and spread rate limits. We are an EPA certified company.
Roof & Coating Specialists
We offer all types of coatings for apartment buildings, churches, commercial, and industrial buildings.
Roof coatings are liquid applied, continuous rubber or acrylic, ultraviolet, protective, sustainable membrane. We have done work on all kinds of roofs. If we fix it – we guarantee it will never leak again.
To view more of our roof ocating commercial capabilities CLICK HERE.
Mission Statement
To provide professional, quality-controlled work, as conveniently and economically as possible.
Family owned and operated, using our own employee-managed, full-time, certified painters, foremen and help trainees. Providing a product that is maintainable for many years and a follow-up program that is the best in the business.
Roof Coating Video of the month.
Feel free to CONTACT US if you have any questions about your painting and roofing needs. We will be happy to make an appointment with you for a free estimate.
2134 Floyd St. Burbank,
Burbank, CA 91504
Phone: (818) 748-3227
Estimates: (818) 748-3227 x 1#
Scheduling: (818) 748-3227 x 0#
Fax: (818) 748-3224